An Advocacy Promoting Environmental Health and Sanitation in School

Food Safety for School Administrators

Food Safety for Foodservice Professionals
A three-word definition of Food Sanitation is protection from contamination. Sanitation is a dynamic and ongoing function and cannot be sporadic or something that can be turned on once a day, once a week, etc. Therefore, another definition could be: "sanitation is a way of life". - Ronald H. Schmidt
Food and Health Sanitation
Foodservice staff are the school authority on safe food handling. And while you can control food safety efforts in the cafeteria, there is still risk from food that comes into school from other places or that is handled with unwashed hands.
Keeping students and staff healthy and safe
Ultimately, administrators are responsible for the health and safety of students and staff in school. The best way to prevent food-borne illnesses is to make sure everyone who prepares, serves, or eats food in the school environment takes steps to keep it safe.
On the front line for food safety
Students need to do your part to stay healthy. You can help yourself and others stay safe from foodborne illness. The Food-Safe Schools Action Guide urges students to follow these simple but critical recommendations.
Give students a lesson for life
Teachers at all grade levels and in all subjects can prevent foodborne illness by doing what they do best: educating students. The Food- Safe Schools Action Guide urges teachers to follow these simple but critical recommendations.

Food Safety for Students

Food Safety for Teachers

WHO on Food Safety
In May 2010 the World Health Assembly approved a new resolution on food safety: Advancing food safety initiatives (WHA63.3). This resolution will be used to update the current WHO Global Strategy for Food Safety.