An Advocacy Promoting Environmental Health and Sanitation in School
3 R's of Going GREEN
Today, we can find waste solid waste everywhere and they first key for proper waste management is to reduce waste. The following are points to consider for waste to be reduced:
- Choosing a durable product that offers and guarantees lifetime or long range usage duration will help in proper reduction of waste.
- ​Prevent over utilization of cars take the public transportation instead in that way you just not only reduce usage of fuel but also helps you mover your muscles to maintain fit.
- ​You can reduce the amount of paper you use by dealing your daily transactions by utilizing the computer. This will reduce the amount of paper used for magazines, letters, newspapers and alike.
- Bring your own plastic bag or grocery bag when you buy your goods.
- ​Save energy by turning off electrical devices and lights when not in use.
All things have its own purpose. Maximize the potential and benefits of every little thing you bought by reusing it. Click more to know more tips on reusing
There are a lot of things that we used everyday that can be recycled. Paper, plastics, bottles, cans, cartons etc. are only those few that can be recycled. These recycled items undergo to a tedious process and at the end of it a new form is created and therefore be reused.

3 R's can be practiced at home and at school, thereby allowing the children to be fully aware and skilled on how waste can be managed properly. In this way, children can be a proactive members of the community in promoting environmental health and sanitation.
A link is provided for suggested activities that can be facilitated by the school teachers in raising the awareness in Waste Management among school children
​​Clean environment is vital for health especially among the growing children. All living things has a constant interaction with the environment and mostly depend on it for survival. The key for optimal health, growth and development is keeping our environment not only physically clean but free from pollutants. The industry, factories and even the government are not merely the only responsible for the air, water and waste pollution that we experience in everyday living. We as individuals also contribute in congesting our world with pollution. Acting out on ways to prevent even the simplest methods can help save our environment and also keep ourselves well.