An Advocacy Promoting Environmental Health and Sanitation in School
DOST Mosquito OL trap works by trapping the eggs and larvae of Aedes Aegypti in their laying site (can or cup) with active organic solution and killing them in the process before hatching and going to adult stage. The following are components of OL mosquito trap kit.
1. Black Color of Can or Cup - Dengue carrying female mosquito are attracted with color black. The can or cup holds the active solution for killing the eggs and larvae.
2. OL Pellets and Water - It makes OL solution that contains Ovicidal and Larvicidal with active components made from organic materials that attract and kills the eggs and larvae of dengue carrying mosquito.
3. Lawanit Paddle - attract Aedes Aegypti mosquito to lay and serve as trap for her eggs.
​How DOST Mosquito OL (Ovicidal/Larvicidal) Trap Works?
How to Prepare Dengue Mosquito OL Trap
1. Prepare black painted Can or Plastic cup, OL pellets, 1 x 6.5 inches lawanit paddle, 250 mL water and old toothbrush.
2. Put 250 mL of Tap water into the black plastic cup. Use the line on above the logo of the DOST in the cup as reference (picture with #2).
3. Pour one pack of OL pellet into the water.
4. Dip the lawanit paddle into the solution with the rough surface facing up until saturated with the solution.
5. Put the black plastic cup inside or outside your house in a low-lying area. Keep out of reach of children and animals. If outside, keep away from rainfall and sunlight. Don't spill the contents of the cup.
6. Leave undisturbed for 6-7 days
7. Brushed off the mosquito eggs from paddle on the solutions. Be sure that no eggs are left on the paddle.
8. Disposed the solution into dry ground. The procedure can be repeated weekly.